

Traveling to Africa with Prexy is like having the curtain lifted on a world that was previously unknown. The stereotypes fall away and you are confronted with a complex scene that startles and fascinates, upsets and inspires. No “tourist” trip this, but an in-depth look at a living, breathing work in progress, and Prexy, with his voluminous knowledge and on-the-ground experience is the perfect man to serve as your guide.

Diane Sampson, San Francisco Playwright (traveled to South Africa, Namibia, and Mozambique with Prexy in 2008)

The 2006 Trip to South Africa and Mozambique visits with Graca Machel and Nelson Mandela

Graca: Well maybe I should stand. Welcome to Maputo, welcome to Mozambique. I can’t tell you how thrilled we are that you made maybe the best decision in your life to come to Mozambique, eh? No, we are really very, very happy that you are with us here for about, how many days—three?
Prexy: Four days.
Graca: Three to four days. And, of course we have to thank our good friend, friend of Mozambique, but my brother, as he quite rightly pointed out, Prexy. Who, I do not know whether you know how far back he has been with us, with the liberation movement, not only in Mozambique, but in the whole of Southern region. So, he’s very close to the ANC, to SWAPO in Namibia, to ZAPU, ZANU in Zimbabwe, Angola, and here in Mozambique. But, I think he made a good choice that of all those, his heart is still with us, much more with us than the others, right? And, you know that he has a son he named after Samora. Do you know that? So he’s a member of our family, really. And we have taken him to Chilembene, where, I mean, Samora’s birth place, and you know, now we still have to do the whole of the rituals with Samora because he has to be introduced to the ancestors of the family, you know that?

Taken from Graca Machel’s remarks to the historic Mozambique -USA Youth Seminar, Maputo, August 2007

Prexy, I hope you’re doing well. I just wanted to say thank you for everything you did regarding the “Making The Road” trip. Not only did you create a stimulating three-week agenda for all forty of us, but you maintained composure when the unexpected came up, rearranging and adapting our itinerary with the casual, cool nature of a great leader. Having such a large group, difficulties arise in pleasing all parties involved, especially those with less patience and maturity than others. That being said, all of your efforts to make our journey more enjoyable were certainly noted, and everything turned out wonderfully, I might add. I have to admit I’m still in a minor state of shock after thinking back to all of the amazing people, places and experiences that you’ve introduced me to. Already I’ve noticed a change in my perception of the U. S., and of course my perception of Africa as well. In general, I feel that I have gained the ability to see the world as a single place populated by many societies mirroring each other, rather than a planet of separate nations populated by impossibly different cultures. It seems as humans we all share similar wants, needs, hopes and dreams, and in striving for these we therefore face similar struggles as well. What I see now is that we are all players in the same game, regardless of location, resources or who’s got the loudest cheerleaders… From the bottom of my heart, from the furthest reaches of my soul, thank you for this unforgettable experience.
One of your students

“The trip was thoughtful and well-organized in every way, from the pre-trip orientation to the meetings with key people in Southern Africa. Participants’ special interests were addressed and incorporated into everything we did, which ensured an exceptionally meaningful experience for everyone. A particularly great aspect of the trip was the diversity of age among participants and the clear commitment to Africa that each seemed to possess. I look forward to the next opportunity to visit Southern Africa with Prexy Nesbitt.”

- Darchelle M. Garner, Vice President, Project Development The CHEST Foundation

“Singing my way around South Africa with the Vukani Mawethu Choir, in April 2009, was a profound experience. What made it different from any other times I have visited my homeland was Prexy Nesbitt’s leadership. Prexy brings to his tours not only his extensive knowledge of South Africa, but also his long standing work as a political activist. His gift as a relationship builder smoothed the way for us in every interaction we encountered and deepened my own relationship with this beautiful country and its remarkable peoples. Transformative education indeed! Thank you Prexy for your continuing, unwavering work connecting for us the past to the present, and guiding us through with such depth and commitment.”

-Mbali Creazzo, South African Vukani Choir Member and therapist/spiritual healer